Small Group Guide

Wednesday, February 12

All The Feels // Love vs Lust

1. If your family were to have a feud with another family, like Romeo and Juliet’s families did, what funny reason would it be over?

2. How would you describe the difference between love and lust?

3. Do you think it’s easier for attraction to turn into lust or love? Why?

4. Why do you think Jesus warns us so strongly against lust in the passage we read from Matthew?

5. What are some practical ways that someone your age can “guard their heart” in today’s world?

6. What kind of media (movies/music/streaming/games/etc…) might make your struggle against lust more difficult? What kind of media might make your struggle a little less difficult?

7. Reflection on Christ’s Love: When you think about Jesus’ love being greater than your struggles or sin, how does that impact the way you view yourself and your battle against lust?

8. How can resting in Christ’s love help you guard your heart and refocus your desires in a healthy way?

Don't forget to read the Thursday Morning Devotional every Thursday morning.