
Know - Grow - Go

Grace Students has a phrase we often repeat to each other:
God is madly in love with you.

The mission of Grace Students can best be summed up in three words: Know, Grow, and Go. We want teenagers to know God’s love for them, grow their faith in Jesus, and go share it with others. Everything we do with Grace Students is filtered through this mission. We want to offer a hopeless generation the hope that only comes from God. 

Wednesday Evenings with Grace Students

Weekly from 6:30-8:15pm (dinner available at 6pm) 

Our weekly meetings take place on Wednesday evenings and consist of some group games or activities, a Biblical teaching on following Jesus, and some small group discussion.  We want to provide a space where students are free wrestle with some of life's hardest questions without fear of rejection or resentment.  We want to speak the truth of the gospel into the lives of young people to see them grow into the men and women that God has called them to be.  Our goal is to help them KNOW God's love, GROW in Jesus, and GO tell others.